C8 MCT oil, MCT powder and LDL

C8 MCT oil, MCT powder and LDL

Research on whether C8 MCT oil and MCT powder affect LDL.  
Numerous published studies in humans show that C8 and C10, at the amounts taken in 1 tbsp of our C8 MCT oil or 2 scoops of our C8 MCT powder, do not raise LDL (bad) cholesterol, and may raise HDL (good cholesterol).
Also, the field has really moved towards monitoring the atherogenic small dense LDL, rather than just lumping LDL together, when LDL is found to be elevated.
Although the C8 fatty acid in our product is a saturated fatty acid for labeling purposes, it does not behave metabolically like long chain saturated fats C12 and longer, and does not adversely affect cholesterol levels, nor elevate triglycerides.
This subtlety is often lost on MDs, which is why they do not advise taking true C8 MCTs for persons with cholesterol concerns. Coconut oil and mixtures of coconut oil with C8 can adversely affect cholesterol (raising LDL cholesterol) if taken in larger amounts.
Typically, increases in LDL cholesterol on a ketogenic diet, are not due to the C8 fatty acid, but to the longer chain saturated fatty acids (and possibly cholesterol) being consumed concurrently.
Assume a person consumes a 2500 Kcal (calorie diet), and that 75% of those calories come from fat (with 20 en% from protein and 5 en% from carb). So the calories from fat are 1875 Kcal.
In a one tablespoon (16 gram) serving of our C8 MCT oil, with 7.14 Kcal/g (not the usual 9 Kcal/g due to the shorter chain length relative to C16), the caloric intake is 114 Kcal, or 6.1% of the fat calories being consumed.
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