21 Day Body Makeover

The 21 DAY BODY MAKEOVER is a highly successful 21 day full body cleanse complete with healthy recipes, fast fat burning workout videos, and daily tips from George DiGianni and his team of eminent advisors. George was previously a celebrity trainer to clients such as Mark Cuban, Michael Dell, and Eli Young; is a best-selling author of three books including “Three Minutes to a Strong Mind and a Fit Body;" for the past nineteen years hosts the Train Station Fitness Show; performs high profile seminars and consulting focusing on behavioral change and transitioning careers; and is the owner of Genetic Direction, offering a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art genetics-based health management programs to address the most pressing preventive and performance health concerns in the world today (with new products addressing peak athletic performance and other health issues on the horizon).
Dr. Alvin Berger is an eminent researcher in nutrition and lipids, with major discoveries that have shaped the research trajectory in diverse fields of nutrition and medicine. He has developed many highly innovative nutritional products over a 30 year career in academics and industry. He is a co-founder of Life Sense International, makers of KetoMCT.   Together, Alvin, George, and their extended teams, will stay in close contact towards developing innovative new nutritional products. Stay Tuned for updates.