C8 KetoMCT oil for Dogs
Introducing C8 KetoMCT Oil for Dogs
Our Love Affair with Dogs
Our dogs are our family members and we love them as much as any other. We give them the best food, the best toys, the best vet care, grooming, etc. In fact, pet care (largely focused on dogs) has become a multi-billion dollar industry that includes high end retail and specialty shops, doggy daycare, and special doggy-cam systems. We love our canines and will do anything we can to make them happy and comfortable companions.
Benefits of owning a dog and optimizing their health
In 2016 Fortune Magazine wrote about the benefits of owning a dog on National Dog Day (August 26). The trends have not changed. If anything, people are even more invested today in the quality of how we care for our dogs. This is not just emotional; there is actually evidence that the better care the dogs receive, the longer and healthier their lives are. (Source). This includes diet, exercise, hygiene, and veterinary care – similar to what helps people live longer lives. The added benefit of taking really good care of your dog, extending her life and good health, is that it does the same for you. There are a number of studies published, and many articles written, espousing the benefits to human health (both physical and mental) of having a companion dog. Time Magazine even ran with a headline, “Its Official, Dog Owners Live Longer Healthier Lives.” The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that owning a pet is great for decreased blood pressure, decreased cholesterol, decreased feelings of loneliness, increased chances for outdoor activities and exercise, and opportunities for socialization. The CDC also talks about how it’s important to keep your pet healthy, so that you remain healthy. A good diet, plenty of exercise, and proper shelter are all important components of raising a healthy, happy pet. According to a new study of more than 3.4 million people, owning a dog is linked to a longer life. The research, published in Scientific Reports, is the latest in a growing body of research suggesting that canine companions may be good for human health—especially for people who live alone.” The author of the study, Tove Fall, a dog owner himself, veterinarian, and associate professor of epidemiology at Uppsala University in Sweden, noted that often people who take care of their dogs are prompted to take better care of themselves. The study itself looked at 3.4 million people in Sweden and compared the health of those with dog ownership and those who are dogless. Dog owners were found to have lower risks of death, lower obesity rates and cardiovascular issues across all socioeconomic categories. People with high energy (hunting and herding) breeds in particular, were healthier. This is attributed to the higher energy level required to keep them exercised. Generally, people who take good care of their pets are conscious about their own needs (contrary to the stereotype of the crazy cat lady). There are also enormous psychological benefits that come from pet ownership, especially from bonding with and caring for a dog. In the modern urban centers, these dogs have begun to replace children for some people and are loved as fur-kids or fur-babies. Other people have working relationships with their dogs and use them to hunt, herd, or protect. Either way, they are an important part of contemporary human life, and the more their owners do to keep them fit and healthy, the more they will get out of them in return.
Similarities between humans and dogs; and dogs and wolves
Your dog has more in common with you than you might initially realize. You know that you share a bond and that you can communicate. You might enjoy the same favorite snacks and have the ability to communicate in an uncanny way. You may even look a little bit similar (there are entire websites dedicated to people who look like their dogs). However, the biggest similarities are at the cellular level. Dogs, like people, are mammals. In fact, 84% of our DNA is shared with them. This means that at a cellular level there are more similarities between us than there are differences.
Dogs and wolves, just like people (us humans) evolved on an eating pattern that can best be described as intermittent fasting (IF). Dogs and wolves in the wild continue to have an IF feeding pattern. The reason is that food is not always available in the wild, depending on meat availability, which relates to hunting ability and availability of animals to hunt. During IF, ketones (ketone bodies, KB) would be produced. KBs provide rapid energy for tissues and have other health benefits, such as numerous cognitive benefits. Alertness is one such benefits which is vital for a dog’s hunting ability and ability to function optimally in a pack.
In the case of dogs, given a choice, they prefer fatty foods, fat being a higher caloric source of energy than carbohydrates and proteins. Taken together, wild dogs would produce KBs due to IF; and due to the high fat intake they consumed.
Eating patterns of companion dogs
A modern companion dog that is fed regularly, would not produce appreciable KBs due to IF (only KBs due to an overnight fast). Moreover, typical diets for dogs may not be sufficiently high in fat to produce KBs. Due to inactivity (most dogs need a lot of activity, fitness), overeating (partly a result of super-tasty foods that over-ride satiety and appetite), and eating the wrong foods, typical household dogs are overweight (a dog that is the correct, lean weight is often considered too thin by the owners). Given a choice, dogs prefer and love oils. Many dogs are fed the wrong kinds of foods, are inactive, gain weight, and have poor fitness. According to Dr. Berger, MS, Ph. D, Professor of Nutrition, pet owners are increasingly seeking out low-carb and non-GMO, functional ingredients for their furry members of the family.
MCT oils to improve dog alertness and energy
Published studies show that lower grade MCT oils given to dogs improve measures of mental alertness (related to concentration). As in human studies, the mechanism involves MCT preferential metabolism to KBs. What pet owner would not want a more alert and perceptive dog? Possibly, as seen in humans, MCT oils could also increase lean body mass and provide more energy for endurance activities like running, hiking, and hunting with their human companions-although this has not been proven to our knowledge.
Our solution is to offer dogs C8 MCT oils. LifeSenseProducts C8 KetoMCTs oils potently produce KBs without any storage in adipose. They provide rapid energy. They induce satiety, less feeding at subsequent meals. Last, based on published studies, they improve alertness. As mentioned above, C8 MCT oil provides a home run of benefits.
We are the first company in the WORLD to offer our beloved companions the best quality and most potent MCT oils currently commercial. And we are serious dog lovers at LifeSense Products. Currently, your dog will receive the same or very similar C8 KetoMCT oil offered to humans, but in a custom-designed bottle with a safe pouring solution, to assure your dog receives the optimal amount of MCT oil, proportional to your dog’s body weight. Because we are big believers in high healthy fat diets for dogs (and humans), feel free to mix our C8 KetoMCT oil with other healthy oils such as fish oils (and soon Delta-5 anti-inflammatory oils from SciaEssentials/Sciadonics, our sister company). Feel free to add a little water or oil from you can of tuna, sardines, or salmon that are also great for dogs and people. Although we developed our dog MCT oil to be added to dog food, feel free to get creative….Make your own custom dog treat with our MCT oil, but be careful not to exceed the recommended daily amount of MCT oil for your dog’s weight.
Now that we understand why unique and amazing C8 KetoMCT oil was developed for dogs, lets delve into how to use it!
- Carefully read the instructions on both sides of the bottle.
- Mark the lines on the filling cup with a black Sharpie to make it easier for me to see the lines.
- Stand on a floor balance and record your weight.
- Hold your dog and re-weigh yourself. Have a friend record the weight or if you have the type of balance that stores the weight after you step off, do this yourself.
- Calculate the dog’s weight.
- If the dog weighs 15-22 lbs, then he/she receives a ¼ oz of oil, and the bottle would be squeezed until the measuring cup is filled to the ¼ oz mark (indicated as FL.OZ on the bottle).
- But, the first time you give your dog the MCT oil, you will gradually introduce the MCT oil to ¼ oz (3/12 oz) by increasing in thirds. So, that is 1/12 oz (0.1 oz) on day 1, 2/12 (0.2 oz) on day 2, and 3/12 (0.3 oz) on day 3. 1 teaspoon is 0.2 oz, so on day 1, use a half teaspoon, on day 2, use 1 teaspoon, and on day 3 use 2 teaspoons
- The measurements do not need to be super precise and can be approximations.
- During the acclimation period, it will be easiest to pour some oil into an approved container (glass, ceramic, hard plastics, or stainless steel are fine); and pour into the teaspoon from there.
- Mix the above amounts of MCT oil carefully into the amount of food the dog typically consumes in one day, and then deliver the food at the frequency the dog likes (one, two, or three feedings per day for example).
- It is also possible to give all the MCT oil in one feeding, but probably better to distribute the oil over multiple servings.
- It states on the label that there is some risk the dog will be overly alert if the MCT oil is given after 4 PM, but this is likely a small risk.
- If the dog tolerates the MCT oil well, then by the 4thday, it will be easier to administer the MCT oil using the squeeze feature of the special bottle.
- If the bottle comes to you with the filling chamber already filled, you can pour the oil from the filling chamber for the acclimation period.
- Loosen or remove the lid.
- Squeeze the bottle gently, until the oil reaches the desired mark in the filling chamber (does not have to be super precise).
- Remove the lid if not done above.
- Pour the desired amount of oil into the food by tilting the bottle toward the flat surface of the bottle.
- Use a utensil to evenly mix the oil into the food.
- Re-cap the container tightly.
- Wipe the sides and threads of the bottle if there is any spilled oil.
- Store the bottle at room temperature.
- The MCT oil is very stable in the food, but probably best to discard uneaten food with MCT oil after 2-3 days.
Your dog deserves the best supplements and this MCT oil is the most potent on the market. The oil is odorless, flavorless and made only from sustainable sources.
Let us know how YOUR dog benefits from this unique product.
Our product is the only one in the world to offer dogs the benefits of the most potent C8 KetoMCT on the market, LifeSense C8 KetoMCT, the oil widely used by practitioners and discerning human customers!