Interview with Dr. Berger
Documentary with celebrity host Montel Williams featuring an interview with the scientist behind KetoMCT™/LifeSense® products. We are so proud, that our very own Co-Founder of Life Sense International, Dr. Alvin Berger, MS, Ph. D, Professor of Nutrition, was asked to join a panel of fat and nutrition luminaries, to describe the benefits of ketogenic diets, and our C8 KetoMCT oil. Alvin describes: why our company was started; our personal journey; why our products are the brand preferred by practitioners and discerning customers; the science behind, and benefits of, MCTs, BHBs, and ketogenic diets; the high healthy fat (HHF, a term coined by Dr. Berger) lifestyle; and the future of the ketogenic fat movement.
- Part 1 Introduction to Lifesense® Products Series: An Interview with the Scientist Behind Ketomct™ Oil and Sciaessentials®!
- Part 2 Introduction to Lifesense® Products: Learn About Differences Between Mct Oils, Coconut Oils, and Ketomct™ Oil
- Part 3 Introduction to Lifesense™ Products: Is It Really a No-Fat, Low-Fat World?
- Part 4 Introduction to Lifesense™ Products: What Does the Future Hold for the Ketogenic Fat Movement?
Check out our YouTube channel for informational videos!
Keto, MCTs, and Crushing Your Fat Fears with Dr. Alvin Berger. Listen Here.
Does Fat Make You Fat? – Kathy Smith's Interview with Dr. Alvin Berger. Listen Here.
The Ketovangelist podcast part 1: listen here. For part 2: listen here.
MCT Oil Profound Effects: Radio Interview with George DiGianni. Listen Here.
Inspirational story of Joseph Navarro, ketogenic diets and KetoMCT. Listen Here.
Tune in to hear Dr. Berger on The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb with Jimmy Moore! Click here to find all episodes.
Health Quest Podcast Steve Lankford's Interview with Dr. Alvin Berger. | Download informational PDF
The Big Failed Experiment Revealed. Listen Here.
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